Día de las Personas Sin Hogar: Voluntad política y compromiso común para erradicar el sinhogarismo
La jornada de este año, que se celebra el 25 de noviembre, se convoca bajo el lema «¿Y tú que dices? Di basta. Nadie Sin Hogar».
Ending homelessness is possible, it is essential and it is urgent. With this triple objective, the social entities that promote Homeless People’s Day 2018, which is celebrated on November 25, want to say enough to the situations of violation of rights, invisibility, suffering, living on the street, insecurity, aggression, not being able to access housing and, in short, homelessness that affect some 40,000 people in Spain.
Under the slogan “What do you say? Say enough. Nobody Homeless”, the organizations promoting the day -Cáritas, Faciam (Federation of Associations and Aid Centers for the Homeless), XaPSLL (Xarxa d’Atenció a Persones Sense Llar) and besteBI (Plataforma por la Exclusión Residencial y a favor de las Personas Sin Hogar)- urge the whole of society, public administrations and every citizen to put a limit to such painful situations and to transform public policies that do not favor the access and exercise of their human rights to people without housing.
In addition to being denied their right to housing, homeless people, lacking registration, see their right to health, social protection and the exercise of many of their citizens’ rights, such as the right to vote, violated.
Some data
There are numerous data on what the convening entities qualify as “social discard” that show that “as a society we are not advancing in equality or in the common good, and that we are not making any progress in the area of social exclusion.